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Koelman Advocatuur

Markt  14, Maastricht
14 jaar in bedrijf
8,2score_fullscore_fullscore_fullscore_fullscore_half (5)
Vraag prijs en beschikbaarheid aan bij Koelman Advocatuur
Gratis en vrijblijvendGratis en vrijblijvend
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Over Koelman Advocatuur:

At Koelman Advocatuur, we are more than just a law firm. We are a team of dedicated legal professionals who are committed to providing top-notch legal services to our clients. Our expertise spans across various areas of law, ensuring that we can cater to a wide range of legal needs. We distinguish ourselves by our expertise, our commitment to our clients, and our ability to deliver results.

Our team is composed of seasoned attorneys who have a deep understanding of the law and a passion for helping our clients navigate through their legal challenges. We take pride in our ability to provide personalized legal solutions that are tailored to the unique needs of each client. We understand that every legal situation is different, and we approach each case with a fresh perspective and a commitment to achieving the best possible outcome.

At Koelman Advocatuur, we believe in the power of communication. We ensure that our clients are always informed about the progress of their case and that they understand the legal process. We are always available to answer any questions and to provide guidance when needed.

We are not just your attorneys; we are your partners in navigating the legal landscape. We are committed to your success and will go the extra mile to ensure that your legal needs are met.

Are you in need of legal assistance? Don't hesitate to reach out to us. Request a free quote today and let us show you how we can make a difference in your legal journey.
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Overnames en fusies
Fusies en overnames
Ouderschap en erkenning
Vaststelling vaderschap
Personen- en Familierecht
Verblijfs-, naturalisatie of asielaanvraag
Invordering rijbewijs / bezwaar tegen boete
Verdediging bij een strafzaak (ik ben verdachte)
Erkenning, gezag of omgangsregeling
Echtscheiding of alimentatie
Erfenis & Erfrecht
Conflict met buren
Contracten, overeenkomsten & andere documenten
Koop, huur of bouw van pand/grond
Oprichting van een onderneming
Fusie, overnames & verkoop
Faillissement, herstructurering & financiering
Ontslag & Arbeidsconflict (werkgever)
Onderneming & zakelijk overig
Strafrecht overig
Personen & Familie overig
Verborgen gebreken & achterstallig onderhoud
Wonen, bouw & omgeving overig
Openingstijden onbekend

Ervaring & vakmanschap


14 jaar in bedrijf
5 reviews
1 medewerkers

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5 reviews uit 2 bronnen
Vraag prijs en beschikbaarheid aan bij Koelman Advocatuur
Gratis en vrijblijvendGratis en vrijblijvend

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